Free shipping
Order now and get free shipping and free returns
SSL Encrypted Payments
100% secure payments with SSL encryption
30 Day Returns
Eligible to return within 30 days of receiving your order
5.0 Platform-wide Reviews
We prioritise customer satisfaction
Free shipping
Order now and get free shipping and free returns
SSL Encrypted Payments
100% secure payments with SSL encryption
30 Day Returns
Eligible to return within 30 days of receiving your order

Our customers tell it better than we do!

Excellent 4.7/5
based on 1,067 reviews

  • SO CUTE !!! 😍

    "I am ABSOLUTELY IN LOVE ! I still can't get over that it's heart actually beats! It has exceeded my expectations. It's not only affordable but also very high quality" - Sophie A

Got Questions? We've Got Answers

Our mission is to deliver your order straight to your doorstep in quick, reasonable and honest time. Whilst we aim for 10-14 day delivery on all products, it is possible that as a small business delivery can take longer. Please contact us if you have any questions about delivery times!

We deliver our products everywhere and anywhere, all year round!

We offer FREE worldwide shipping on all of our products.

We have a large variety of warehouses that store our vast range of products. Our products are shipped out of different warehouses dependant on which product you are ordering!

Once you have decided on which product you would like to purchase from us, we offer a variety of payment methods.

Available currently: Apple pay, Google pay, Shop pay, debit/credit card, PayPal

We offer a 14 day return policy which starts the date the item arrives at your address.